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Frequently asked questions



What are your prices?

We proud ourseleves in not only delivering amazing shots, but also being the most affordable photographers in northern Utah. Please check out our cost page to see what package fits your budget.

How will my pictures be delivered?

We will email you all images in a jpg format optimized for web use to any address you'd like. A CD can be mailed to you for an additional $20 fee.

How long will it take to get my pictures?

Emailed images will arrive anywhere between 1 to 4 days after the photo shoot. You may request a next day expedited delivery for an additional $20.




Do you offer any discounts?

​Absolutely! Refer a friend and both of you receive 50% off any package!



What does optimized for web mean?

​It is the process by which images are reduced in size without loosing so much of the quality in order for them to be viewd on any website without slowing it down.


What does optimized for print mean?

​It is the process by which images are edited, enhanced, and saved in order for them to maintain a high quality appearance when printing. These files are much larger than web images and can be printed without pixelation.


What are color enhancements?

Viewing an image of any landscape or place is always much more different than experiencing it in person; the smell, the air, the entire view, etc. Because of this, we do our best to capture the feelings all these senses create by color correcting some elements, such as grass, sky, trees, flowers, etc. without manipulating reality.


What are lighting enhancements?

As with any indoor place there are bound to be shadows and rooms with less lighting. While our trained eye and professional equipment helps reduce some of these darker areas, most of these can be corrected in post production with our top of the line editing software.


What does a photo shoot include?

Depending on the package you choose, a photographer(s) will capture the main elements or "best side" of your property. As real estate photographers, we know what we should capture and what we should leave for the actual agent to show. As soon as the needed images are obtained, the photographer will return to our office so the editing process can begin as soon as possible.

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